Haiti...A Nation in Crisis

January 19, 2010 - 8:42 PM

It has been a week since the powerful earthquake decimated the southern region of Haiti. Port-au-Prince, a city I have flown in and out of, now lies in ruin. The destruction and mounting death toll is unfathomable. The pictures we see nightly are sickening and horrifying. In the face of such destruction we might rightfully ask: "What can I possibly do to help?"

Instead of being shocked into submission and apathy by the evening news, allow the Lord to stir your heart to help. "What can I possibly do to help?" need not be words of hopelessness, but rather, a prayer offered up to our omnipotent Heavenly Father. Maybe you can only do a "small thing" in your own estimation. But friend don't ever forget that God doesn't despise the small and meager efforts of His children. Like Esther of old, we are alive, today, "for such a time as this" (Esther 4:13-14). I believe that like the Jews of old, "relief and deliverance" will arise for the people of Haiti "from another place" if we, their brothers and sisters in Christ, remain silent in their time of need.

There are two very practical things you can do right now. Bring all of the OTC medication you can to church this Wednesday and Sunday. We will be sending them to Pastors Thony and Ebed Paul for their clinic to distribute in Plain-du-Nord and Port-au-Prince. Also, when you come to church this Sunday, I am unashamedly asking you to bring your wallets and check books as we will be receiving a special collection for Haiti relief this Sunday, January 24, 2010.

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